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​Google Models

                      3D Warehouse​

There are two types of 3D models from Google 3D Warehouse: georeferenced (seen as real buildings on land) and non-georeferenced (objects and projects, not existing). My collection has both types. I was recently highlighted as TOP Modeler Google, my gallery has nearly 200 models accepted in the layer, being seen by millions of users of Google Earth and Google Maps.

Build in Milan - Italy


This is one I chose to model building, part of a condominium, which contains more than one tower. I found it interesting to see how an Italian architecture is made!

Build in San Diego - EUA


This is a building that I chose to model, because the beach is on the coast of california, and occupies an entire block.

Build in Porto Alegre - Brasil


This building is part of one of the best universities in Brazil, PUCRS, particularly this building which is very interesting.

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