by Carolina Bonfada
Academic research
During college I participated in three surveys. The first research was about the architect Lucio Costa, who made the project the city of Brasilia. The second on comtemporary architecture in Rio Grade do Sul, and the third about the Modern architecture in southern Brazil.
​First student research

Lúcio Costa: Obra Completa
The research makes it available as a set of development projects and works of Lucio Costa, using the analysis of existing records and those produced by the team, such as architectural drawings, photographs, writings and notes of site visits, gathering several copies architectural / urban architect in order to strengthen the understanding of the production mentor of Brazilian Modern Architecture. Sets up well, the opportunity to provide on-line via the digital repository dspace, all the material produced, with the possibility to generate in the future, also published a paper in the manner of a "catalog raisonné" or "guide reference. " The survey results also in the production of events and articles in scientific journals in the area, deepening the analysis of information from the survey and theoretical reflection on the projects and works. The projects and works have been divided into parts according to their typological affinities, forming a total of four parts: Planning, Institutional, Residential and Other (Cultural, ephemeral, Design, Monument and Heritage), in addition to Part 1, comprising 16 several case studies, selected from a group based on a preliminary list of one hundred and six projects and works. PART 1 is underway, with the support so far, the Executing Institution - FAU UniRitter of FAPERGS (BIC) and CNPq. The goal of this first part is to form a working method that can be applied in all other projects and works. PART 2 The most recently received the necessary resources for implementation of the approved tender supplemented with funds from CNPq FAPERGS. The contribution of scholars to give, especially in the preparation of architectural drawings, participation in study trips and further organization of the material collected in the supply digital repository ( and disclosure.
Twitter: LucioCosta_OC
Second student research

Comtemporary architecture in Rio Grade do Sul
The research is the monitoring and collection of award-winning architectural projects, mentioned and / or participants in public tenders held in Rio Grande do Sul between 1952 and 2011. The lack of a systematic memory of tender procedures conducted under the RS, with the function to strengthen, monitor and update data on the production of Brazilian Contemporary Architecture recently produced by public tender in Rio Grande do Sul and other places, including notices, minutes, classified projects, impact of competition and other documents related thereto; projects were divided into parts according to their date and place in the competition. The method of performing the work consists, first, the mapping data of the work, identifying the name of tendering architecture, the place where it was held, the organizing institution, the prosecutor, the jury, the classified and referred to their respective technical teams from research literature, the organizing institutions, or directly between competitors and members of the jury. Then is made the organization and preparation of presentation boards A2 size, the material of the projects surveyed, which includes floor plans, sections, facades, sketches, photos and other data that can illustrate the project, thus producing publications in the form of catalogs available to the public, spreading a significant portion of the regional architectural culture in the specific case, the "architecture competitions." The contribution of stock occurs, especially in preparing the boards with a summary of each project and further organization of the material collected in the feed stock materials and dissemination on the website.
Third student research
Modern Architecture in Southern Brazil.
The research is a control works by three architects recognized in Brazil, Moojen, Fayet and Araujo. The proposal is to build chronologies illustrated on the architects and make 3D models of their works for a deeper analysis on modern architecture.